If you voted for Trump because you were afraid about job security, you've just signaled to every minority person in America that racism is worth it to you if you get to keep your job.

I don't approve of Trump at all, but its a little more complicated than

you just chose your job over your fellow americans

They chose feeding their families over their fellow Americans. Yeah, it's a shitty choice, and it shouldn't have been a choice in the first place, but it is what it is. And yeah, a lot of them are racist, but not all of them are.

Thinking Trump was gonna fix their financial problems is stupid, but to be fair, Clinton wasn't promising any sort of relief. Trump's "fuck the immigrants, fuck trade deals" stance are obviously racist policies, but it was also the only gamble for economic relief in a country where the middle class is shrinking quick and 50% of the country needs at least some government assistance to get by.

Once again, not endorsing Trump, but we're not solving any problems by saying "they're all racists". The left (I'm talking about the real left, not the neoliberal centrists) needs to step up and address the real reason why people are so desperate for change that they'd do shit like Occupy Wall Street, riot like in Ferguson, and push for populists with more extreme ideas like Ron Paul, Sanders, and Trump: capitalism isn't benefitting many people anymore. And trying to put bandaids on it isn't working.

/r/Negareddit Thread