If you were to create a perfect daily routine to improve your life (physically,emotionally, mentally, etc) what would be on it?

6:00 - Wake up with a stunt jump out of bed, and do 50 bench presses to start the day.

6:30 - Have breakfast with a homemade loaf of bread, 3 scrambled eggs and a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice.

7am - Exercise with an indoor karate session, or downhill skiing session on the living room carpet.

8:00 - Cold shower followed by a meditation session led by a talking giraffe.

9:00 - Take an experimental cooking class, where you can learn how to cook an exotic dish like steamed monkey brain or sushi-flavored ice cream.

12:00 - Lunch breaks with a walk on your hands to the nearest restaurant and eat a meal completely with your hands.

2.00pm - Do an artistic activity such as painting a portrait of a famous dictator or building a bubblegum sculpture.

5pm - Chat with a blue unicorn on Skype for an hour.

18:00 - Do a yoga session in reverse, where you start in lotus position and finish in corpse position.

19:00 - Watching a horror movie on streaming platforms, but only watching the dialogue without pictures.

10pm - Going to sleep, sleeping with a pillow on your head, like a hood, to protect your brain from alien rule.

/r/AskReddit Thread