If you were offered immortality, but everytime moonlight shined on you, you'd be a walking skeleton, would you accept it? if so, why?

As for some overlooked downsides. Can you still feel anything while a skeleton? Can your bones regenerate? What if you got something stuck to them and didn't get it off before getting flesh again. What about days where the moon and the sun are visible at the same time?

If you can still feel (somehow) while a skeleton, just about every contact you have with a hard object will be like nails on a chalkboard . Once had a needle scrape my kneecap while numbed and that felt horrible.

Would really suck if they could retain damage, suddenly you have pain for life during the day because you scuffed a kneecap that night.

Say you got splashed with mud, or got covered in dust, stepped in shit or any other foreign object got stuck to you, would be incredibly unpleasant once you got flesh back, even if it couldn't kill you.

For the last one, what would the rules be for when sun and moon are out at the same time, technically the moon is still reflecting sunlight. Would you be partially transformed?

/r/AskReddit Thread