If a western artist released a song as similar to a k-pop song as More & More is to “Work from Home” by Fifth Harmony, there would be riots in the k-pop streets

Most pop songs (actually just most songs) have the same tempo as a ton of other songs. It's why there are so many Youtube mashups of songs you didn't think would work together because only the key has to be changed in order to make it work with the other song. Also, speaking fast and then repeating a word is pretty straightforward and unoriginal. There's only so much time for them to get their words in before they go to the repetition which is supposed to be the bulk of the chorus. Listening to WFH, it sounds like the "you don't gotta go" takes up one measure while the "work.. work... work..." repetition goes on for two measures (take this with a grain of salt as I'm garbage at telling time signatures by ear but my point is the repetition part goes on for twice as long as the fast speaking). By nature, making the spoken part any longer detracts from the point of the song (holding the phrase "work" as the focal point because it is a double entendre so they're not gonna keep talking about their partner's actual job, lmao) but all the words are also wholly necessary because not including them takes away that double entendre. I don't exactly know the MM lyrics but nonetheless repeating words as the brunt of the chorus isn't really new regardless of which group does it.

As for kpop fans getting more upset about it... yeah I agree that would happen. There are a few western pop artists with bad stan twitter climates, but they generally don't massively overlap with kpop stan twitter.

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