If I whatsapped a file path location to someone, then they typed that into their browser while I'm online, can they access files on my computer?

This time you didn't do the quote drawing thingy. But that link is helpful thanks.

main danger is stuff in there that they can use for a targeted phishing attack. Like if they see you use a particular program or play a particular game, they might email you with a spoof trying to get you

I searched in google about phishing and spoofing. They don't sound dangerous. I mean if they try to sell me something, I won't buy it. If they say to install something, I won't install it. Who really gets fooled by this?

That's your best bet because they're constantly looking for new threats

Shit you're right. I didn't thought of that just now. I was procrastinating about learning bash coding and stuff. I will find some time and read. I get the general idea and can code if I try. But I have never installed packages using terminal because I never needed to before.

The cmd thing also doesn't work. This device is running Linux Manjaro and it has a similar looking terminal thing. I don't know what it's called.

Here I took screenshot to show you: https://i.imgur.com/VGpPEIu.png

automatically unless you ask them for a static IP which costs extra money

Why will anybody want a static IP? If it is long answer then don't worry I will research it myself.

You can release an IP to see if it changes

What is meaning of 'release an IP'? Am I holding it? When did that happen? And does it happen every time I turn on laptop?

easiest way to change your IP address in the short term is to just use a different network. Go to a coffee shop

This was very clear. Thanks, I even understood where I in making a mistake in thinking.

Is the adapter adapting something? like a physical adapter adapts to different voltages?

I'm using the wifi from a friend's phone. So that phone is called a router/modem?

Are you very good with computer science? Can I ask you other questions relating to technology that can sound stupid? If no then just say no i won't feel bad haha!

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