If a woman likes a guy without even knowing what he looks like ...

Not really. Attractive women actually try to find guys that are good looking or have power. However guys with power are usually charming because they know charm is valuable, they've used to to obtain power.

The ugly women have a hard time getting men with power, because men with power like to have pride in the women they are with at cocktail parties.

Now these cocktail parties filled with the socialelite of the world gang bang each other. And the ugly people are left to wonder how it is to be a socialite. This is where instagram comes in. Now here all these ugly people audience online searching for their soulmates thinking looks don't matter, it's all about being funny and smart.

This is why ugly women like men without seeing who they are in a nutshell. Brutal I know.

I think I answered the OP's post in depth, including social power, vanity, and stupidity of online dating.

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