iF wOmEn CoNsEnSuAlLy OpEn ThEiR lEgS, tHeY aRe MaKiNg ThE cHoIcE tO gEt PrEgNaNt

Calm down please, at least don't start a huff trying to call me names.

And listen to the irony: calling racist to a guy who is speaking your language as his 3rd one. While mocking him for every spelling or grammar mistake. And all this while you make zero effort trying to understand. I am not childish enough to assume how many languages you speak. But just imagine how you look like doing that.

But OK, let's take those Indians. They live under a strict social norms dictated by castes. In a poor and overpopulated country. And they destroy your language on purpose. You know, the commonwealth, Gandhi, colonialism, the Tea... Nah, assuming you know something about that is too much. You have showed zero culture so far.

Well, take those guys. They live in their paradigm. Now you, that sure lose your nerve so easily. And dare to call me racist showing zero respect for someone triying to speak your language. You live in your paradigm and social construct were sex and race are a major problem because... Well, because someone has to justify something as is not busy enough doing real things.

All those Indians have to do to survive in your paradigm is smile, say they love whatever you tell them and play the noble savage (Rosseau). And that means nothing to them.

If I throw you in a street of Delhi they would milk you dry as soon as you bring out any of the arguments you used with me. And proceed to eat you. Alive. Like a honey pie. If you are unlucky enough you would be taught what real racism, or sexism if you are a woman, is.

So you, who dared to call me racist, you can guess who I respect more. At least they are survivors and you are not much more than a disrespectful meme.

See? Race has nothing to do with the respect I pay people.

/r/IncelTears Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it