If you won the lottery, would you still be suicidal?

I think I'm in a good position to give some insight into this question. I've been planning my suicide for a few years, finally at the end game now, and I happened to suddenly come across a lot of money just a few months ago.

Went from having less than $10k in my bank account to having over $200k in a matter of weeks due to a high risk investment that took off (crypto).

For a couple of days I thought it might change things and I could go on a holiday or something. I have only one person i'm really in contact with and that i care about, and they refused to take any money from me and are too busy or don't like me enough to go on a holiday with me or anything like that. I bought some material things but it did nothing for me.

Truly realised there is nothing I can spend money on that will make me happy. It made me even more depressed because I used to think 'maybe I should just slave away and try to make money for others'. Now I have the money and need to kill myself in order for others to benefit from it!

Making millions might be a whole different ballgame though.

/r/SanctionedSuicide Thread