If your family is abusive and you can't get help from police or law, what to do next

yes, friends of mind whom parent work at the hospital, suggest me to find another psychiatrist.

but they found that I used to go to an old hospital in the same city,

So they won't take my case until I get a transport record(my information about mental illness at an old hospital) and give them.

and my parents feel shame about seeking them(always in bad mood about it and told me they get tired of me, they(officer) don't care but just have to do their job, I'm unable to be treated because I'm crazy)

After I give them the record, my case still in his(old psychiatrist) hand he still takes care of it

(because my case have to use government money [welfare] which is HIM who have to write a document about it)

but I just met another psychiatrist in a mental hospital.

yet, since my old psychiatrist kinda famous(schizophrenia specialist)

and if I want to meet a psychiatrist who doesn't have to follow his(old psychiatrist) document.

I have to go to a private clinic, which I used to go but my family REALLY angry about it. because it's too expensive.

I have enough money now.

and I feel stress if I see a psychiatrist in government hospital the report will send to my old psychiatrist.

I don't think other psychiatrists want to against diagnosed he gave me.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent