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If your job is impacted, Amazon (and grocery stores) are hiring.

If your job is impacted, Amazon (and grocery stores) are hiring.

all of the internal changes happening and am part of getting that info out to my sites associates.

So you are a higher up that either willingly ignores the attitudes of those down under you, or you were willingly part of that attitude, so willingly choose to ignore it, or you willingly help promoted the people that thought similarly like you did (or pretended to be like you.)

I typically read workplace psychology as it has interesting concepts to consider, and the Amazon case is a case of giving the leader false information until things get bad as giving them negative reviews or information means you won't be promoted or even slowly fired or made to quit, AKA Wuhan leaders lying about the Coronavirus to Beijing. The only people who are still there are people giving you fake information, or people who enjoy that environment.

Here, the Amazon management gets fed fake information by middle management, they in turn, feed fake information to the site management so that they get promoted, and here we are, you getting messed up information.

You think you have good information, you think you are changing each warehouse, but you, in fact, are only getting like 10% of the picture.

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