If your Mercy died recently, and all of a sudden she's spamming "Group up with me!", it isn't because she's lonely...

My point was that overwatch in of itself isnt a very hard game and the real challenge comes from picking comps that work and counter the enemy and then knowing how the roles are played together. Bitching about how people who play mercy are shit is just fucking stupid. Shes a useful pick depending on your team and its just redundant to shit on people just cause they like different characters than you. All the characters in the game arent very much harder than the others if you do some basic research for their play style first. Genji is obviously harder than mercy to play but that doesnt mean hes SO HARD.

You wanna link me you're overbuff so I can see how good you must be at all the DPS heroes? Because you obviously have such a deep grasp of this game that you're probably top 500 DPS main right?

Tha fuck is your problem you sound like a child trying to start a fight. As far as i know overbuff isnt even accurate and your rude/toxic as fuck so i dont really have any interest in giving you my username. Especially cause you know were talking on the fucking internet and i couldnt give two fucks less about proving to you im good on overbuff.

Or maybe you're just a mentally challenged Plat player because you think genji is as easy as mercy who knows

Its funny cause you literally just acted like i thought i was hot shit and then degraded plat players so you could act like your hot shit. Good for you, your probably one of those dps players who made it to diamond and now constantly bitch about how they're hard carrying the team and everyone else sucks.

You seriously have an attitude problem dude. I was doing nothing but disagreeing with your point about shitting on people who enjoy maining support and you chose to just be a rude asshole about it.

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