If you're asking "is it okay for me to write about...."

well, when you make a worthwhile argument, i'll refute it. so far all i've seen are restatements of the obvious phrased as gotchas. clever. you mean people aren't automatically entitled to money? you just blew my mind! and i've nearly learned my lesson about arguing with pedants. yeah, nobody expects the spanish inquisition. which is why i used the word figuratively, which i thought was fairly obvious. in case you didn't understand, i claimed that you're not invested in this issue in the same way others are because i think you're among the camp that already believes in utopianism (if not, my apologies). then there's nothing for you, as an artist, to worry about. you're preaching to the choir and singing from their hymn book, and that's a comfy place to be, because you're not in their crosshairs. if you were challenging that worldview, you might have a different outlook.

fragile little victim complex

i know you're just fishing for insults, but you really missed the mark on that one. i never said i was attacked, i said others were/are. i'm making a hypothetical argument, not a personal one. but thanks for caring.

/r/writing Thread Parent