If you're a buff/strong woman, how buff/strong do you expect your partner/FWB to be?

Hey all, I'm a guy who's into buff/strong women. Not like steroid users, but when a woman has thick arms and legs, or is just clearly strong and capable, it leaves me weak in the knees

But I'd say I'm only a mildly strong guy. Like my arms and chest fill out XL t shirts, but I don't have much definition, and there's plenty of guys who have thicker arms or are stronger than me

So I don't ask out strong or buff women, because I think that they probably don't want to go out with someone who's not as strong or stronger than them. I usually date women who don't work out and like that I'm much stronger than they are, but I don't like that. I prefer an even playing field

/r/AskRedditAfterDark Thread