*Ignores blatant statistics*

This guy has just taken one portion of my thread and spun it to fit his narrative. I already stated my opinion is tainted by my own experiences as I’ve only ever seen support for men during mental health breaks. I’m also not a professional and I don’t work for any corporations for mens health. I already stated to Gregg that when I’m in the presence of much older people who have that toxic mindset of men shouldn’t speak out because they need to be “manly” and “strong” I’m the first one to disagree. I simply said from experience I’ve seen women be called emotional and crazy. My entire post was based on women being described more rudely when they suffer with mental health issues. Even going as far as telling men to break up with women because they have anxiety and depression. Really good people that are judged on their diagnosis and not on their personality. Nothing I said was against men or men being recognized more in the media for their mental health. I know the statistics,Gregg just couldn’t get past the fact that this was personal based. Now he wants some other men to attack me just as he did,he refused to listen and you can go see for yourself I was respectful to everybody. I never once stated that men shouldn’t be more recognized

/r/pussypassdenied Thread Link - reddit.com