Ignoring LTR, not sure how to handle coming confrontation. Halp

All in all, if she just isn't excited about anything you do, you need to lift, better yourself,

Part of what I have trouble with is that on paper I think I'm a moderate to high level man (or whatever, this shit is about to sound conceited as all fuck but w/e). Educated, career, financially secure, always been in good shape (yes I lift... I swear everyone on this board tells me this. I might not be a social butterfly but I've been slinging plates since middle school), average genetic attractiveness. I have "cool" hobbies, and she takes a lot of pride in the fact that I'm good at them. As far as I can tell my biggest failing is that when it comes to social interactions I'm a wallflower; so in practice I'm a low to moderate level man.

9 times out of 10 she is getting Chad T'd in the bathroom of some club.

Lol. that would be some shit. I've tried to fuck her in multiple bathrooms, but she always wanted to move to somewhere else before taking off all her clothes because the bathroom was dirty and gross. I guess maybe Chad T. could get her to do it though, fuck you Chad you piece of shit.

lol... So I changed my FB profile stuff to pictures of just me and she calls me within 15 minutes. Fuck though... I let it go because I don't feel like I'm ready to deal with this. Now she texts me asking me to call her back when I'm free. I guess it's a good sign she thinks I'm busy. I think I won't call her back and let her concede to calling me again even though she tried to put the impetus on me. Social interactions suck... I wish I could just nuke everyone who pisses me off; I would be much more comfortable with that. This game playing bullshit does not gel with my personality/upbringing.

Anyways thanks for replying to my bullshit, definitely gave me some good direction.

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