Ilhan Omar: “We need her because she speaks truth to power, and about what others are afraid to speak up about.” [+46]

What’s the percentage? 90%? More?

It’s gotta be at least 90%.

I’ve been told several times on this sub that nazis were actually socialists, despite the Nazis purging socialists from their ranks and, of course, fighting the fucking Soviets.

Ya know. Because they had the word in their name.

So I googled it. Apparently that has been a line people on the far right have been using for a very long time. Since like the 60s. Because while they basically completely agree with the Nazis and other fascist parties the holocaust is bad for the brand.

I asked a few weeks ago if, assuming Bolton is telling the truth in his book, people here would still support Trump after he told Xi he thought concentration camps were a great idea. Even as a purely hypothetical (which it’s totally not, he definitely said that) not one person said they would stop supporting Trump.

People said lots of other things. But not one person said they would stop supporting Trump if they were 100% certain he told Xi concentration camps were a great idea.

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