I'll save you the trouble, I'm the asshole

Talking of eating out, I remember one night there was a heap of us out at a restaurant. We all decided to go Dutch. I've no feelings on going Dutch; sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down. This woman however protested, saying her and her partner had tight budgets and other people drank win. Fine, we all said, ye pay separately, we pay Dutch. It was a big, messy bill. Nobody got time fo dat. Nope, that wasn't fair on everyone says yer wan. A few offered to cover the difference between the split bill and their bill. Nope, wasn't far. Either way she was starting to feel like she was "being picked on". She wasn't. So we all paid our individual bills. It took like half an hour. My petty revenge was to nudge gentle reminders into peoples heads about the woman's behaviour when meals were being planned again. Only happened once or twice, but they weren't invited. Petty? Yes. Wrong? Yes. Satisfying?...

/r/LockedAway Thread