I'll do some sick jumps, WCGW?

Got a sweet as hybrid road/mountain bike in 2011. let me first say that i hate suspension on bicycles and tried to get a bike with no suspension but the best i could get was a hardtail with lockout front fork suspension (so i could turn it off).

one day i got a flat on the back tire while i was working, after work i walked to the gas station and got some air in it. i could tell it would not stay up the full 8.5 miles back to my house. however i realized i could stop at the four or five gas stations on the way there and get more air if i just hauled ass to each one before it ran out.

i was checking my back wheel by looking down in between my legs every so often to see how low it was getting. while doing this i drifted a little too close to the curb. as i was pedaling my right pedal made contact with the curb, because i was going so fast the crank kept going right around and lifted the back of the bike up hard, the front suspension depressed completely because of the force. much like what happened in this video, i was launched off my shit superman style heading face first for the ground, this kid ate shit hard in the video, i reacted quickly because i could see the asphalt coming at me while i was midair going however fast. i mean death was right there and i knew it, i was heading straight for my neck and so i put my arms up (tried anyway) over my head boxing guard style and turned my head down toward my chest kind of start a roll, ended up landing so god damn hard on my left shoulder, it was and still is completely destroyed, i mean i can still use it and everything but my collar bone isint connected to it anything else of my left shoulder now... so i cant really lift heavy shit up above my head now cuz the bones in my left arm aren't really mounted to my skeleton anymore. thank god though cause i was literally a miliseconds from that being my neck.

/r/Whatcouldgowrong Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com