Is it illegal to cuss out a rude customer on my personal phone after hours?

I have always had a temper. Long, long ago (like 3rd grade) decided to not get mad--just write it down and pass it along later.

So I've always had a blacklist.

When I have a real bad day, I may open it up--look for someone on my scale from a few years ago and see if they moved up in the world. Cool! Now a general manager. Well. Imma get you a fake Instagram, white supremacy group shout outs, maybe Photoshop them into something questionable. Have fun with it for an hour.

Set up my ITTT account to generate actions/activity 1-7x a week. Set it up so in 6-9 weeks an anonymous complain to their boss goes. 72 hours later it all badly self deletes.

None of my business what the outcome is. Just giving back what I got. Erase their name from the book, carry on. Definitely one of my weirdest hobbies.

Be the change you want to see in the world n shit.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread