Illegal drug flow and cartel presence of Mexico and the contiguous U.S. [940x2478]

Let's forget about building a wall and focus on fixing the issues that lead to demand for a wall.

We need to end the war on drugs, and the only way to do that is by legalizing them. Regulate their sale and tax them, sure, as long as they're legal. Stop putting people away solely for drug offenses and start a massive funding hike in prevention and rehabilitation programs. We also hear a lot about rehabilitation and that's great, but we lose focus of the social and environmental determinants of substance abuse and we need to start seriously addressing those issues.

I'm in the public health field and there's huge support among my colleagues for drug legalization. It's still kind of a taboo stance in the field so while we talk about it freely with each other, few are willing to discuss it publicly. There's some progress though, last year the UK's top two public health organizations recommended decriminalization of all drugs and the British Medical Journal called for legalization of all drugs. [sources: one, two]

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