I'm 14 and decided to do something with my hormones, so I drew my savior

WARNING: RELIGIOUS RANT please feel free to ignore it.

Where to begin... I had to google what "misothiestic" was... I see what you're TRYING to say... except it sounds contradictory because misotheism or w/e is defined as "hatred of the gods"-- yet agnostic means you don't know if gods even exist... so it's nonsense...

No it is not.

I don't know if god exists or not, and I acknowledge that there is no way to know, not for sure, since anyone who was omnipotent would be capable of hiding all evidence of their existence perfectly. barring god himself telling me (something he doesn't seem very intent on doing anymore) I have no way of verifying this existence one way or the other.

That said, while the existence of god is inherently unknowable, the character of god is not.

Being omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, a god would be capable of changing anything they want to suit their desires. they would also know about everything in advanced to change it.

Thus we have to conclude that anything that exists in a world where god exists, does so only because he wills it. every ray of sunshine, every drop of water, ever grain of sand, all there because god wants it to be there. So we can look at the world around us and determine what a god who created it must want.

And if you look at the world, you will see that people die, people suffer, people are raped and killed and tortured.

Now, I personally consider doing these things immoral. furthermore I believe that allowing something to happen when you have the power to stop it without any risk to yourself is no more moral than committing the act yourself. (If I can push a button and stop someone from being raped, but I choose to sit their and watch rather than push the button and stop it, I am no better than the rapist).

God is omnipotent, there is no-one greater than him, there is no danger or potential negative consequences for anything he does because he is god. that means that everything bad that happens happens because god wills it, because god WANTS it to happen.

So every time a person dies, every time that someone is raped, every time that someone has their skin flayed off and used as a makeshift flag, ALL OF THIS happens because god gets his jollies off on watching humans suffer.

But that is not good enough for the christian god. NO! YHWH isn't just satisfied with watching humans struggle and suffer through their short lives before dying, he says that they should have to suffer forever.

And I know what you are going to say, "People don't go to hell because God is a sadist, they go to hell because they sin!", and sure, they do, but why though? why does god have to send people off to suffer for eternity for a finite crime? is there some unchangeable rule that even god is bound by? no, obviously not, because if there were he wouldn't be omnipotent.

And hell, we can even disregard that, lets say that the penalty of sin DOES have to be death, and even god can't change that. then WHY THE FUCK DOES HE CREATE PEOPLE KNOWING, NOT THINKING BUT ACTUALLY KNOWING IN ADVANCED THAT THEY ARE GOING TO SIN AND HAVE TO BURN IN HELL FOREVER? Why did god create Lucifer if he knew that he was going to fall? how can you blame the devil for his sins if god could stop them at any time but chooses not to for reasons that can basically be summed up as 'for the fucking lulz'? and that is not even getting into the fact that (going by the bible) good people can go to hell if they have the simple misfortune of being created in a location that never had Christianity spread to it.

Sending people to eternal punishment for finite crimes that you created them to commit is immoral. full stop. it doesn't matter to me how bad the people are who go to hell (though the bible implies that it is not hard) are, it would STILL be immoral even if only the worst of the worst monsters went there it would STILL not be good enough, I would rather burn in hell than sit on some cloud singing the praises of the monster who caused the Holocaust for fun, and then tortured those who lost faith in him.

The ONLY god that my conscious would allow me to accept would be one that sent EVERYONE to heaven, and if that IS the god that exists he won't care what I believe.

But if the judgemental petty gods that most religions believe in are the gods that exist, the only moral action I can take is to hate them. because a lot of them do care about what humans think (even if they react to it like petulant children) and the possibility of removing hell (however unlikely that possibility is) is worth the chance of damnation for myself. (Just on a math basis, there would have to be billions of people in hell in for all but the most lenient versions of god, and one persons suffering is incomparable to a billions).

just go full atheist already...

I actually did call myself an atheist when I was a teenager. but talking to other atheists I realized that it didn't really describe my position. since I don't know whether god exists or not, I just know that if he does he is an asshole.

omnipotence is impossible on an atomic level so why not?

I... don't think you know what any of those words mean.

/r/dankchristianmemes Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it