I'm 17, my girlfriend broke up with me because she couldn't do it since she felt dating is haram, is it really? [serious]

The best thing you both can do is focus on school. Maybe after graduation, God willing, you both can get engaged.

I was engaged at 21 for three years. I kept postponing the wedding. I still had a semester left to graduate & I honestly wasn't 110% about settling down. Not that he was a bad person, I just wasn't sure we would be financially stable. He was only a year older and had just started his career. Eventually we both went our separate ways. He contacted me months ago to let me know that he was getting married. I was happy for him & we mutually agreed that our separation was a blessing in disguise. He ended up working his way up in the accounting world; I ended up going on to medical school.

I'm currently 10 years older than you, and I'm barely recovering from a recent heartbreak. It's absolutely difficult to deal with. I had my parents permission too. Stay strong and consume yourself with your studies. Keep up with your prayers. Cry if you need to, don't feel ashamed about it. A good support system is necessary. Even if you need to vent to your mom, let it all out. I still do it all the time. InshAllah you will feel better.

/r/islam Thread