I'm 19 and attempting to get my tubes tied. What are your guys' goals, despite everyone's disapproval?

Honestly, when I was younger, I bought into that so hard, because that's kinda how I was raised. Women are breeding stock. I was so desperate to have a family because I just didn't feel like I was smart or powerful enough to go to college or do anything special. I actually really wanted to start a family before I was 20 years old because I thought life started when you have kids. I'll even admit that I was certain, since like maybe middle school, that I would end up becoming a teen parent... Which is extremely sad. But my husband and I started dating when we were 15, and there was something about the way he was raised. Women were equal and powerful to him, and he and his parents taught me to have higher standards and more respect for myself. I am so much happier and more confident with him, and I've gotten far away from the way I was raised. I have plans for college and future careers and all that good stuff. I don't want to imagine where I would be now without my husband. A teen parent, maybe.

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