I'm a 23 year old male. I'm Short (5'5'') with a weak voice. Constantly feel like a 16 year old. Feel unconfident around teenagers and people younger than me. How do I stop caring?

You know what, man? I read your headline, and I have to say, I am in pretty much the same boat: 5'5, 25 years old, soft voice, the works. Then I read your post, and it all rang true with me-- I know how it goes, trust me, I know.

I stopped caring about physical traits when I realized something: no one cares about me, period. Sure, some girls won't date guys shorter than they are, but who gives a shit about those girls? More to the point, the average person is totally wrapped up in their own heads and lives, and consider themselves the center of the universe. They really don't think about you at all, except perhaps in passing.

I don't mean to depress you, but that's the way it is. And if they don't care about you, why should you care about them? What value does that have?

As far as the anxiety goes, do two things: start working out and knowing r/fitness like the back of your hand, and start reading books. Healthy body, healthy mind. Here are some suggestions that will help as far as reading goes: - Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman covers an overview of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy techniques. They're one of the most effective methods of changing your mindset and becoming more resilient. - The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. It's a really entertaining and fascinating read about forming (and breaking) habits. One of the best and most helpful books I've read this year. - Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. One of the great Stoic philosophers who also happened to be the motherfucking Roman Emperor. Yeah. If you want to learn HTNGAF, Stoicism will help.

TL;DR - Don't sweat it. People don't care about you, so don't care about what they think. Work out and read often. If you're better than you were yesterday, every day, these things will pass.

/r/howtonotgiveafuck Thread