I'm 28, and I feel lost

Hey man, I see your in a bit of rut with your life. Girlfriend and jobwise. You also made a post elsewhere about dating a medical student from tinder who's 32 years old. You've gotten some good advice so far I think. You need to forget about that tinder girl though and focus on putting yourself in a more solid financial position.

I also studied psychology and was in a similar position. I was also dating an older and seemingly more focused and ambitious girl. But unfortunately it won't work out and you have to instead mold yourself into someone who can lead a family with a wife and children who will look up to you. That's not going to happen working as a server. With my degree I was able to find a job teaching English abroad and it was helpful, but if you ever plan on returning to your country it will just be procrastinating and stalling the inevitable, (assuming you're able to save money).

Nevermind the girl and instead think about and write down a number of reasonable jobs that you can get trained for in the next 1-2 years that will lead directly to payed work and that has the opportunity for advancement. Either your skill can lead you to open up your own business later or in the future offer you a high level position in the field. Think about being an EMT, a fireman, police officer, teacher, social worker etc. Compare all the positives and negatives, look at all the salaries and ask people in those fields about their work. Think about where and how you want to live and what you would be able to afford, and just go for one of those careers. You feel lost because your not aiming to achieve anything. Think about the kind of life you want, and realistically seek out the training and jobs that will lead to you achieve those things. By 30 I would say you should be able to get a solid foundational training in whatever it is you choose, by 35 you will be solidly into your career and then you can start looking for a wife. And forget about marrying an older more accomplished woman than yourself. Have some self-respect and dignity and become a man who can provide for his family. The first step to doing this is by selecting a suitable career. And don't think you are too good or to smart to be a nurse or an EMT or whatever, you could learn math and be an engineer if you want, you could even find your way into medical school if you have the prerequisites but at 28 your already losing time. Don't think you are above certain jobs, if you're working towards a higher goal it won't matter and everyone needs to find a way to eat and support themselves somehow. I would say you still have time, you can get a graduate degree but make sure that it will immediately lead to payed work once you finish and I'm sure you'll do fine. Don't underestimate yourself, but don't overestimate yourself either, you're not about to be a hotshot football player in this lifetime.

/r/jobs Thread