I'm 28 years old and as of yesterday, I have no teeth.

I can relate to this as well, my family was very poor and was often in and out of motels. The only time my mom took me to the dentist was when I was 13 and that was it. Often times we didn’t even get tooth brushes, I remember my mom buying us toothbrushes and toothpaste when we got taxes back and that was about it. Luckily, our school office handed out toothbrushes and all that, but I was severely bullied for being poor and it just felt embarrassing to the point that I just didn’t want to go and ask in fear of being made fun of because I was so poor I couldn’t even afford a damn toothbrush. I went years without brushing my teeth and it was just flat out embarrassing, and looking back on it I almost feel angry. Once I got a job I made sure I always had these basic necessities, I’m 22 and only started regularly brushing when I turned 17 and I’m just so lucky that no severe damage/yellowing was done...somehow.

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