I'm(28f) sitting in a hotel with my siblings(30,42m) while our mom is in intensive care down the street.

Talk with your siblings.

Talk about everything. School, growing up, your jobs whatever you need to talk about to keep from feeling overwhelmed.

Divvy up tasks and days off. One person calls family, one person deals with bills/finances and another to deal with feeding and taking care of you. Then swap the roles the next day and then again the third day and so on.

This is so you don't become bogged down with being THE person who has to phone the utilities and banks, or the only person to deal with calling emotional relatives. You take shifts, you share the weight.

Be with your mum as much as you can, try to keep your fear from her so she won't worry for you because mum's worry about their kids even when they're grown.

Cry if you need to, find somewhere you can scream if it helps but keep talking to your siblings and be a life-raft for each other.

I hope whatever the outcome of this is as painless as it can be. I hope whatever beliefs you hold true to support you through this.

/r/relationships Thread