I think I'm (35m) in an abusive relationship, but I'm afraid to leave my wife (35f) because I don't trust her with our daughter (11mo)

After our kid my wife and I had these same fights.

Was the most stressful couple years ever. Eventually it calmed down.

Sounds like your wife has depression and staying home all day makes it worse. I felt the exact same way, I stayed home all day and worked evenings (from home) and started feeling like I was going crazy.

My wife is/was a bitch like how yours sounds. She was sort of always like that, but it got 10x worse after the pregnancy and even worse after the birth. And 4 years later it's still bad.

Hormonal changes are no joke. I don't have any advice. I'm sticking it out for the kid.

If you dont leave you need to put a end to fighting in front of the kid and neither of you should badmouth each other to the kid.

/r/relationship_advice Thread