I'm (39f) angry because my BF of one year (38m) tells me he gets lapdances.

I've come to realize that (generalizing) in most threads in relationships the opinion that is going to "win out" on the hive-mind is whichever opinion is most supported by the OP's situation. In this instance for example, the up-voted comments are heavily "anti strip-club" and it makes sense when based off the following.

1) His girlfriend said she isn't comfortable with him getting lap dances, which when coupled with a follow-up sentence "he tends to be rather drunk when he ends up at these places, and he also has sometimes told "lies of ommission" will lead readers to the conclusion that OP doesn't want him getting lap dances (perfectly within her right) but that he is going to do it anyway (very bad, and if he was specifically told not to, then can be extended to being defined as "unfaithful".

2) OP's boyfriend is 39 years old and apparently going to strip clubs is a regular thing for him. I'm sure that there are some or at least fucking ONE example of someone in that age range who goes to strip clubs that frequently/regularly as a customer and is otherwise a great and normal person and this is an anomaly in an otherwise sound character, but let's be honest with ourselves and say it's probably really rare and this is typically a red flag of some sorts.

Given the context of the OP, I understand why this thread will be overly negative about strip clubs, but what's annoying to me is the popular opinion (which is going to be based on the specific OP) tends to always go a bit too far.

To provide an example, a heavily up-voted comment in this thread said, "I'm a dude but I gotta say that guys who go to strip clubs and waste their money on female attention are complete losers". Now I've gone to strip clubs many times and have friends who have gone to strip clubs many times, and I know that neither I nor them are losers. I responded to the comment that it was generalizing/judgmental and the person who commented responded "I stand by my statement. I guess we just disagree. Have a good one". Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I think this quote, "guys who go to strip clubs and waste their money on female attention are complete losers" is a great example of a comment that's gonna get heavily upvoted in one thread and heavily downvoted on another depending on the situation in the OP.

/r/relationships Thread