I'm about to finish Chapter 6 on my 100% run, and I found the way everyone is positioned in camp super interesting

Now, look at how the group is divided - at the campfire there's Arthur, Sadie, John and Charles, with Uncle in the background.

You have Javier and Bill at the table in the middle, with Javier technically having his back turned on the campfire, but still in closer proximity to them. Kinda a foreshadowing of what is about to go down in the final mission of Chapter 6.

And then you have Dutch, Micah and his two cronies whose names slip my mind at the moment, all huddled up around Dutch's tent.

I just think this is an incredible detail considering how the rest of the chapter plays out and considering the events of the Epilogue. Also, I don't feel like this is a coincidence, it's just... too perfect to be that.

/r/RedDeadOnline Thread Link - i.redd.it