I'm all for giving the OP the benefit of the doubt when it comes to validation posting but seriously?!

I came back from a 6 week vacation, only to find my flower garden has been littered with cigarette butts. They all came from my neighbor. He's the only one that still smokes. I went to his house and politely asked him if he could clean them up. He told me to fuck off and then slammed the door in my face. Since everything was mixed in with the mulch, I had to get on my hands and knees and pick everything out by hand. Fucking 47 cigarette butts!

I've been mailing them back to him one by one, with a simple note "don't be an ass, pick up your trash." I've sent 26 so far.

his wife just came to my house and talked to my wife, she made a peace treaty she apologized on behalf of her husband. My wife is furious with the amount of pettiness that I have displayed, and told me that I need to stop.

I don't know if I can, I feel like I'm emotionally invested in this now. I mean he sent his wife to apologize to my wife. He didn't even have the decency to apologize to me man to man.

Copy of OP in case it gets taken down, as it should.

Also /u/uwutranslator

/r/AmITheAngel Thread Link - old.reddit.com