I'm an actual university professor, and longtime FUT player. Here's why EA have just killed the game in the most Soviet way possible.

(1) He doesn't know what socialism is about. How he doesn't is beyond me - apparently he has knowledge in "socioeconomics".

Not that much related, but there was a +100 comment saying it's literally communist in another thread - which makes like no sense at all, because next to being classless and stateless, communist societies are MONEYLESS.

Next, Socialism. There are many types of socialism, just like with capitalism. You can have a free market, a strictly regulated one or even an an.Cap society. For socialism there is as an example a rather anarchistic socialist society (everyone owns it together - not much state//higher power - still a market etc.) or state socialism. That's probably what OP meant generally, the soviet economy has some sign of state socialism. I don't really want to go into details about Marx and Engels with their nationalisation theories, all that's important is you can't sum it up like that. I'll bitch more about the soviet thing later.

(2) Anyway, there's still a lot wrong about this that has nothing to do with that:

Simple capitalism. The only reason anyone buys stock is the belief that every company has the potential [to be] the next Microsoft or Apple

smfh, explanation needed?

Also, a visible cap on the ROI has never stopped everyone from investing. Ever heard of betting? Plus certain finance structures are technically built with a cap on ROI. Of course there are restrictions on his fetishized free market ideas, but it's not the end of trading. More on that later.

How would everyone list their players for the market cap? If you need to get rid of a player quickly there are users that fucking quicksell 1000+ coin players..

Next he believes that this will lead to no inflation at all, while it's more or less bound to happen with the current system. OP definitely has some points here - it's very likely that the very high inflation prior to the patch was the cause for this price band.

Price setting/controlling is usually a measure against that, although it's not really favored by economists. Feel free to bitch about this, but don't compare it to the real world where you can't "sell coins".

(3) The player deflation thing is more about FIFA than econ. EA updates the price bands, so that whole paragraph is not really important.


Additionally, all socialist societies have an ultra rich elite that will forever be untouchable. We will have that too.

UGH, just UGH

I reaaaaaaally don't want to go into that, only in the FIFA sense. Take a look at the PC transfer profit leaderboards ffs.

(5) Stop comparing the FUT market to real economies, it's stupid, I can't even properly ramble about his post.

/r/FIFA Thread Parent