So I'm an American living in Sweden, the socialist nanny-state hellscape of the GOP's fantasies. Here's what it's like to live in a country with a high effective tax rate and a commitment to spending for the common good:

It's always interesting to read about how other nations "work", but I feel like the idea some have that Scandinavia-style government can come soon is really far off. For starters, the US is much much more populated. The immigration policies are in some ways more lax. American culture places a high value on individual (and state) rights, property ownership, and the idea that everyone can become rich if they work hard enough (I'm not saying this is true, just that it's how people think and model their lives). America is also just a very young country. You can almost say that American national identity and culture is still evolving. Of course, the people at the top right now also have no interest at all in the "Scandinavian" model or anything similar to that, pushing any possibility of it happening farther and farther away.

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