This is why I'm an atheist...

No I downvoted you because two of these are just wrong.

The inquisition the great myth surrounding it was that they would burn everything at the stake. This wasn’t the case the reason we get that idea is thanks to Protestant propaganda. (Exceptions do exist but they weren’t the rule.)

Witch hunts? Oh goody the Protestant issue is pushed on the Catholics? But in reality it was mostly done by the peasants and lower class nobles. (A famous figure is the witch finder in England.)

Now the incredibly strict rules isn’t a bad thing in theory .......if they actually enforced a few of them.

Strict punishments: they usually were in line with the norms of the time (and can be used for good sometimes such as when the Pope threatened excommunication on any argie that invaded another Latin American nation. It worked but Falklands happened because the British are Anglican.)

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