I'm an autistic teenager. How do I do... anything?

You should know that I am not autistic, at least to my knowledge, and a lot of what you said resonated with me. I think you may have been slightly misled by the comment about people “going out and figuring things out for themselves.” Of course people learn and improve basic skills like socializing, introspection, etc by experiencing things first hand, but these are not skills that people necessarily innately have. As human beings, we are very prone to error and our own judgments are often inaccurate. It takes more of a cultivated mindset to really learn from a mistake, or to comprehend some greater meaning that you should take out of a situation. These are things that many people go their entire lives being unable to do. I think you’re being too hard on yourself. Simply by making this thread, you have shown the ability to be introspective and you have made what seems to be a reasonable self evaluation, pointing out areas you lack. This in itself is something that many are able to do. From what I’ve seen, I think you will be fine. Everyone has trouble with a subject or two, you just happen to suck at math. No biggie, just focus your attention on music or something else that you are good at and enjoy.

/r/Advice Thread