I'm an ugly, wretched pile of shit. Women treat me horribly and I don't know why. I don't feel human.

I'm really sorry about that girl. What an awful person and miserable existence she must lead. I can only imagine how little she values herself and what her self-esteem is like if she's making fun of other people and considering selling her body for a joke. You can only pity her. I would try hard not to take it personally.

I looked through your history and based on your descriptions of yourself I wasn't sure what I would find when I looked at your posted picture. Guy, I have to tell you that you are not disgusting or a pile of shit like you say you are. You are actually very very attractive. It looks like you've dealt with a lot of heartache throughout your life and it has dramatically impacted your self-esteem and sense of self-worth. I totally understand that. I struggle with the same things. However, you need to know that your are young and handsome and I'm not just saying that. You're in good shape and seem like if given the chance to get to know someone you would shine. You deserve better than those mean cunts on tinder who browse together looking for someone to bully when they have nothing better to do with their free time. You seem like a wonderful person if given the chance. I think you need to start setting your standards higher for women. You deserve much better and someone who treats you well. Don't settle. It's worth the wait. Sex with nameless girls will only make you feel worse as you start to define your value based on others desiring you. I know it's really hard to do, and I struggle myself, but you have to start working on the way you feel about yourself and how you treat yourself. It's not acceptable to say things like that about yourself. It's not okay.

You are handsome, smart, athletic, young, and have a lot to offer people and a special someone. Fuck those other people. Seriously. How sad their lives must be when they're all alone in the middle of the night with only their own thoughts. We've got rough self-esteem issues, but the kinds of issues someone has for them to make fun of others so that they feel good about themselves eats at them even worse than ours. You can only let it roll off of your back and feel bad for how miserable they must truly be that that's the only way they can feel good about themselves.

It's tough to change the way you treat yourself and to practice positive self talk, but it's not okay to be mean to yourself. I'm sorry again about all the crap you've gone through, but I'll tell you that it does get better with time. hugs

/r/MMFB Thread