I'm borderline ready to give up...

There is no one for me to live with. No relatives - they’re all dead. No mom, no dad, no grandparents. No aunts or uncles. Friends all literally live across the country.

It’s not about money. If I spend a month building my business, I could be making over $100k a year. After two or three years, I could quadruple that, if not more. I have a niche specialty, which has high demand with low supply. One of the companies I worked with two states over pulls in $100k/month just from my area of expertise. Problem is - she won’t let me. Hypotheticals mean nothing to her. She doesn’t respect the idea of owning a business, because it isn’t stable. Therefore, she won’t let me use the car for it. The nearest site I could approach to sell my services to is a 20 minute drive away. I’d be walking for 3 hours. The other day, the “feels like” temperature was 10F. I’d be dead.

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