I'm a Christian from the Middle East and think Christian Zionism is unbiblical and harms both the church and the USA. Ask me anything.

I've always been very confused about the topic of Israel and why it matters to Christianity. I support Israel as being a nation because they are the lone Democratic nation in the middle east. But saying that brings the question of if they belong there and by what right. So, to me, the argument has three prongs:

1) they were there first - certainly not first first of anyone but the oldest people recorded to claim that land, so if the argument for modern Palestine is based on the Palestinians being there prior to the creation of modern Israel then I can't agree

2)The Jewish state (like most nations in history do) failed and was conquered by and taken by a more powerful country who then did what they pleased with it- great, then WWI happened and a more powerful country came in, took the land and did what they pleased with it, which means I have to continue to believe it's theirs until taken

3) Democratic nations that (even if in theory) respect human rights deserve to be perpetuated over those that base thier governing practices to destroy another nation based on its religion - so why should a nation like that be allowed to have the land over one with more progressive and humanitarian views?

TLDR: Jews win the first come first served argument, they win the might equals right argument and they win the modern government arguement. So, why shouldn't they be there?

Bonus round: remember when Israel gave Egypt the sinai penninsula in exchange for agreeing to recognize then as a county and promise not to attack them anymore and then they never fought again? That was pretty cool.

/r/Christianity Thread