I'm considering becoming a mormon, what are the worst parts of it that the church doesn't tell you?

The time sink

3-hour block of meetings on a Sunday. Some callings (don't worry, not usually for noobs) require you to be at church for hours before or after the 3-hour block, and if you're extremely blessed, both!

Expected to be a Home Teacher or Visiting Teacher for 3 to 4 families, scheduling (or as many do, just dropping in unexpectedly at the end of the month to get it done) your appointments, meeting for 30-60 minutes with each family.

I don't know what the other current meetings are, but if you have a calling with the youth, you will be at the chapel 1-3 more days per week in the evening. Some Saturdays. Asked to clean the chapel from time to time (or it may be your calling).

Mondays are for Family Home Evening, and if you are married you are expected to tun it in your home yourself, but if single under 30, you will be in a Young Single Adult Ward, and your FHE family will be assigned to you. If you are in college, you will be encouraged to take Institute classes, which is highly curated lessons about the Mormon scriptures. I'm not sure how many hours per week that is.

You will be encouraged to get a temple recommend after a year in the church, and then you will be encouraged to do temple work at least once a month (or more) if you are near a temple.

If you are given a calling, you will be expected to plan your lessons in addition to actually performing the calling. You can slough and just read from the manual, so this preparation time varies. Other callings like Scout leader can obviously take a lot more of your time.

Basically, all your time and energy outside of work or school is spent with your congregation. Mormons don't typically spend a lot of time with "non-mormons" because they have so many responsibilities and requirements within the church.

The money pit

10 percent of your income for tithing. While some tithe on net, it is strongly encouraged to tithe on gross (you wouldn't want net blessings in Heaven, would you?)

Fast offerings - one Sunday a month is Fast and Testimony Meeting. You are asked to provide the cost of what your meals would have been to a Fast Offering. Some Wards have been known to encourage larger (double or triple) Fast Offerings, although that is not a rule.

General Mission Fund - Help fund the global missionary efforts. Optional

Ward Mission Fund - Sometimes members are encouraged to give offerings to the Ward mission fund. Optional

Ward Building Fund - if your Ward rents a building, you will be asked to contribute to this. Optional

Humanitarian Aid - When calamities hit, members are asked often asked to contribute to humanitarian . Be sure to read the fine print at the bottom of the tithing slip though.

You may be asked to donate money to various other causes, such as you Ward's Scouting program, money to send the youth on temple trips for some necrodunking, young men's or young women's activities, (hah! YW don't get activities), etc. This often won't be on the tithing slip, but

A obedient and faithful Mormon will end up paying more than the 10% that isn't even advertised until several Missionary lessons into the "discussions", which are really just a sales pitch.

The obedience trap

We joke about it on this sub, but the mission of the church for its members is to Obey, pay and pray, and in that order. The church wants obedient morgbots that "Follow the Prophet", see some lyrics:

Now we have a world where people are confused. If you don't believe it, go and watch the news. We can get direction all along our way, If we heed the prophets—follow what they say.


Follow the prophet, follow the prophet, Follow the prophet; don't go astray. Follow the prophet, follow the prophet, Follow the prophet; he knows the way.

Full Source as I believe in full disclosure

Hear it in it's creepy fullness!

This is a religion that says, "When the Prophet speaks, … the debate is over. I was impressed by that simple statement, which carries such deep spiritual meaning for all of us. Wherever I go, my message to the people is: Follow the prophet."

This is a member of the First Presidency of the church at the time.


Source he's quoting

Then there is this hero worship, despite the real, despicable history of Joseph Smith:

Praise to the Man

Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah! Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer. Blessed to open the last dispensation, Kings shall extol him, and nations revere.


Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven! Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain. Mingling with Gods, he can plan for his brethren; Death cannot conquer the hero again.

Full Source

MoTab Version

Using you brain

If you disagree, you are thinking too much

If you think too much, you are becoming one of the three danger to the church, "the gay-lesbian movement, the feminist movement ..., and the ever-present challenge from the so-called scholars or intellectuals."



The LDS church makes truth claims that are provably false, then makes untruthful apologetic essays about them:

http://mormonessays.com/ (don't worry; links back to LDS.org sources)

Search this sub for "John Dehlin" to learn about the latest high-profile excommunication for a Cafeteria Mormon or NOM like you say you want to be because you don't believe.

There is so much more, but this is a bit of what is expected of you to conform to and obey.

Good luck in all your endeavors.

/r/exmormon Thread