I'm considering becoming a mormon from Christianity, HELP/AMA?

Be very careful about changing to Mormonism before you look into the impact this will have in your life. If it will truly make you happier, go for it, but as many of us on /r/exmormon have experienced, the Mormon lifestyle may bring quite a bit of issues and difficulties into your life. An example of this is, if you convert and end up converting friends or family members to Mormonism and then you discover that the truths that have been claimed by the church, namely about the origins of the church and its scriptures, aren't as true as you were lead to believe, and if you then distance yourself from the church and its teachings, your friends and family will then feel that you have been lost forever and can no longer live with them in heaven, unless they can convert you back to Mormonism. Or even if you don't convert anyone else, you will be the one feeling like those around you will be lost forever if they don't accept baptism in the Mormon church.

There's no idea in Mormonism that as long as you believe in Christ, you can be saved in heaven, but instead you have to believe that the Mormon church is the only truly true church on earth and anyone who doesn't accept that will not be able to live with you in heaven. That creates a very "us vs them" attitude among members of the Mormon faith.

The Mormon church claims that they are the only ones who teach that families can be together forever but, in fact, they are the only ones (at least in mainstream Christianity) who believe that families can't be together forever unless they are part of the Mormon church and follow all its precepts and rules.

If that's also what you believe, or want to believe, please feel free to join them. But you should also make sure that what you are being taught is the truth and not whitewashed glorified half-truths that most investigators hear from missionaries.

/r/exmormon Thread