Im convinced that a great portion of the people who voted for Obama, only did so because he’s (half) black

Immigration #1, because illegals come here get paid and take it back to their countries I see it fucking up our economics in real time here locally in Texas. It also fucks up our communities because they all congregate in the same areas and essentially turn them into slums as they are not technically able to work legally, they're all evading taxes and doing work under the table. Not to mention they don't have any insurance and just take free medical services and drive around all haphazardly with no auto insurance. They accept pay far below true market rate for work because they don't understand the value of their labor & they wouldn't accept pay that low if they had any intention of living off that income, not in the US....but they don't intend on living here, they're citizens of Mexico that's where their lives are. Plus Hillary's open borders policy and eagerness to taken in shiploads of refugees despite the poor results observed overseas in Europe...that was something I had no choice but to vote against.

Foreign Policy/Trade/Economics #2 - Renegotiating long standing trade deals in which the USA was getting completely hosed with an america first agenda, China currency manipulation. Defusing tensions with Russia, and North Korea, bringing troops back from war. Bringing jobs back to the US....his direct influence on companies & negotiations to bring outsourced jobs back to the US (Apple, Boeing, GM & Ford have all made great efforts to bring manufacturing back to the US).... great results even before getting elected. Best employment statistics in years across the board, I got my first real big bonus last year my investments all climbed like a mofo once he got elected.

He does it for free - He does not accept the standard presidential salary. Says a lot even if he's already rich.

Taxes - Comparing my tax bracket with what I was paying before his tax reform I am saving a significant amount on my taxes. He even got the penalty fee Obama put in place for not having healthcare insurance removed.

The Russia Collusion Hoax - I knew this was just bogus bullshit propaganda even during the 2016 campaign, it's clear if you watch Trump he is not a Russian agent. He is a patriot who truly believes in what he is doing and want's to do what's right for the country. It's just made me support him more to watch him weather these constant attacks based in complete fiction.

Calling out the Main Stream Media - He called them out and it is just fantastic. I love that he argues with their mud slinging, they're full of shit so often and deserve it. Report some real and important news, stop reporting on tweets and puppies, nobody cares.

His family - His family is successful, his children are stable and successful in their own right. He's clearly not a bad father. They still haven't come out against him even after all this dirty laundry from years ago is being dragged out into the public square.

He's not a racist or sexist - He's constantly called a racist but he has done a lot for minorities & women. Trump Was Awarded for Diversity and Tolerance with Rosa Parks on Stage in 1986, I don't know a lot of racists who happily pose in pictures with Rosa Parks... He also hired the first woman to build a skyscraper....also has an awfully good relationship with his wife and daughter for a sexist. He deported an ex-nazi.... he upgraded MLK's birthplace to a national historic park...There's tons of other proof to the contrary but I'll leave it at that.

He's not Homophobic - He's the first president to ever enter office in support of same sex marriage.

He's Fighting Harmful Drugs - During his first year in office 68% fewer Americans over the age of 26 began using heroin than the previous year. In 2017 the gov shut down the country's larget darknet distributor of drugs. They've been running a huge public awareness campaign about opioid abuse and I've seen it and it has gotten a ton of visibility.

He's prettymuch eliminated ISIS, who were a rising villain. I have been very happy with the progress on this front & glad to see them get stamped out, they were disgusting.

I mean....I could just go on and on I think he's done a great job despite 90% of all news media fighting him every step of the way.

It also just clicked for me at some point that Bernie & Obama's free stuff promises, college loan forgiveness, free education, free healthcare, housing for everyone, increasing minimum wage...etc they're just not solutions....The government can only take and reallocate, so all that free stuff is just paid for by someone else who doesn't want to pay for it. Taxation is what they're talking about. I am especially against the growth of government support programs as I have slowly been working my way up the career ladder and reaching goals, through hard work. I don't want to reach my income goals only to be wrecked by the introduction of expensive government programs, or to be let go because my employer gets hit with some sweeping tax increase.

He has been doing or pushing for all of the things he promised during his initial campaign and I appreciate that.

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