I'm cured

You are welcomed here. Please don't let those on the internet take your joy and passion away from you. You are perfect the way you are. I've been called anorexic, skeleton, zombie, etc for most of my high school and college life... the internet is a vast place and once you get on, you have to accept that people will try to bring you down or make you feel some type of way. Just stay strong and listen to your body and what it needs, you know yourself better than anyone else.

Four years ago I was at 97 pounds with a 5'9" frame. It was my lowest point, but with yoga and a healthy relationship with food, I'm now in the healthy BMI range for my body. If it weren't for lulu clothes, I don't think I would have the confidence to show up to that yoga class or hike outside. Having a positive relationship with exercise is crucial. I wish you the best and hope you find a safe space here.

/r/LuluRehab Thread