Im curious, is someone's political party a deal breaker to you?

Yes like the study Google did to up women’s pay equal to men’s, just to find out that women were actually making more than the men? Or the study my corporation did that found out on average women worked 33 hours a week, and almost none of the overtime or weekends?

As far as abortions go, your body, your choice. I don’t mess around anymore. I got trapped paying child support because I didn’t wanna get married. I paid for a kid I never even saw, for 18 years in the 80’s. Guess what...he got in touch with me 30 years later and didn’t look anything like me. We did a DNA test, (his idea) and it turns out we’re not related. Yeah equal rights back then meant name the father and he will pay. They didn’t have DNA testing back then, just a blood test. Yeah, women were treated unequally since Adam and Eve. Look at the Catholic Church for an example. The problem is, the women screaming about the freedom to do whatever they want, aren’t looking for equality, they’re looking for domination. They should be made to register for the draft. Oh, they don’t want that kind of equality though. Yeah, you’re mostly equal. Commit a crime that would land a man in jail, cry in the courtroom, get probation and a stern talking to. Poor women...

/r/OkCupid Thread Parent