I'm dealing very badly about the new iPhone.

Go watch videos about how your brain is easily tricked by the consumerism. You mention many things related to this... You wanted it as its new and sparkly yet no real need, admittedly paying 1k for 8 hours of battery life. You manage to stave off the feelings off needing new, awesome now you're experiencing FOMO feelings of missing out. All the other consumers got there new toy, now I want it more.

Are you prepared for retirement? You have a date set maybe 20-40 years out? Maybe that 1k could be used better elsewhere? There's a lot of angles you could look at it from. You sound impulsive, but realize why it's a bad choice again 1k for a few hours battery life. A changing bank for $50 will give you 3x you current phone battery life if that's what you really need.

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