I'm a Democratic voter in Nevada, currently undecided between Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang. Convince me Yang is a better choice. I'm asking Bernie supporters to do the same, so bring your A-game.

Yang's ultimate vision is for UBI to lay a blueprint for a new, updated version of our current society. A society where the machines we build do the labor for us and we all reap the benefits of it, giving us true freedom to no longer be wage slaves or live in poverty and spend the majority of our time doing what we want to do. Now, regardless of whether or not we get paid for it, automation and AI will displace a very large amount of Americans over the next few years.

This vision includes universal healthcare with little to no costs, a form of capitalism that takes measurements such as suicide rates, drug overdoses, depression, etc. to make sure that it's human-centered rather than USD-centered and 158 other policies that seem nuanced but actually have large, positive impacts.


/r/YangForPresidentHQ Thread