I'm diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder - and that's that.

I'm pretty sure there are issues of ethics involved with what that doctor said to you. You could probably report them. I realize you likely don't have that conversation recorded, so it would be difficult to get any accountability for unprofessional and unethical treatment of a patient. I would still report it. Then it is on record. And who knows, maybe other patients have had issues with this Dr. The more people that make reports like this, the more of these sorts of abuses can be stopped.

If you have the energy for it (I know I bloody would) you might consider getting the Dr. to give you that prognosis in writing. Perhaps you could say you need it for getting disability benefits or something. Which you may or may not be needing any way. Not sure how functional you are. ( that is not a question, please don't answer). If they write a note excluding the "No point" statement, Ask them to include the part of there being nothing that can be done for you as it is essential in your disability claim. Because it's true, it will be if you have to apply for disability.

It is total bullshit that there is nothing you can do to get better. There are ways you can learn to cope with your behaviors through various therapies. It's going to take a lot of fucking work learning how to catch yourself and do what you need to do to change your actions as they are happening. It is not impossible. Nothing is impossible. You have to be willing to be present and do the work, however.

The fact that you are even concerned about this sketchy, careless diagnoses, is very telling. Perhaps you are low on the spectrum of Narcissistic personality disorder and that could be why you have awareness that you have something serious going on with your mental health. A narcissist on the opposite end would either fake cooperating or outright deny that they had any sort of issue and blame any number or reasons for why anyone could possibly think that way of them.

It sounds to me like you are at least curious about looking into this further. Probably wondering now if change is even possible. A seed of self doubt was planted in you by that Dr. and you might be thinking of just giving in and going with it.

"what ever, fine, I'll just be a narcissist then!"

But somehow, I have a feeling, you want to change. You just don't know where to begin. I want you to know that you have already begun. You have already been seeing Drs and maybe even specialists to find out what is going on with you. That is amazing because it isn't easy. Especially for a man. You 've already begun by speaking about this and even posting it here in reddit! That's good work, man!

I hope you will keep going. keep exploring yourself and YOU be the one to determine whether or not anything can be done for you. There are a lot of resources for mental illness. Seek them out and use them. Don't settle for less than the very best that you can give yourself.

It will be your self determination that will tell you if there is nothing that can be done. Maybe you will try out medications? Maybe you will change your diet and start meditating. Maybe you will start swimming or dancing or writing or any number of things that could be medicine for your illness.

I hope you will find a way to learn to see this as an opportunity to become the best person you could have imagined being, before now.

I don't believe there is nothing that can be done. That is a horrible, awful and abusive lie that a Dr who is not motivated to help patients heal. They shouldn't be in the profession for saying shit like that. Word like that can destroy a person.

Don't let it destroy you. If you want, pick yourself up and find a way to cope to the best of your ability. You can totally do it. You just have to want to.

good luck!

/r/offmychest Thread