I'm at the end of my rope

I'm with you. I went out to a local pub earlier with a few people I haven't seen in a long while. By all means they're well educated and pay attention to politics and have a decent knowledge of current events.

Not ONE of these people knew about the rape epidemic in Sweden, the lawless migrant hordes ripping down border controls and marauding their way through European cities or that the quran might possibly contain some not very nice things. They said "as a rich country it's our responsibility to look after them, we destroyed their countries over the last few hundred years anyway." They didn't know about any of the crazy disgusting shit happening in Europe and frankly they DONT GIVE A FUCK because didn't you know? Everyone will get a universal income since money is just a number and not a representation of resources and we need them because we don't have enough young people and they're all smart doctors and such anyway (like they'll be saying that when they have a resentful foreign nurse watching over them in their old folks home). Everyone seems incapable of thinking beyond the very near future and only want to appear as though they care and it's scary as fuck, I'm almost as scared of being over run by Islamists as I am by what the brainwashed natives are capable of doing in their mindless "feel good" stupor.

Bill Whittle put it well in his recent appearance on Stefan Molyneux's show: "When you live in a society that values victimhood culture the best way to gain popularity and acceptance is to seek out the biggest victims you can find and try to appear as if you care about their situation."

I thought once mass migration into Europe got so huge that the mainstream had no choice but to cover it we might actually see more people getting realistic but mass brainwashing is a very real thing and people actually seem to have gone even further to the left from what I've been seeing. Recently it seems, especially in just the past few weeks, that the media has being going overtime on anyone talking critically of it. Marine Le Pen and Trump have been getting such unfair coverage it actually gives me a sore head to see the madness people are being pumped full of. News channels don't even seem to cover their ideas, they only brand them as "radical" or "far right" and mock them as if they couldn't possibly have anything of value to add. I wish I could go back into the naive "free money for everyone" mindset that I had before I hit realities brick wall.

/r/european Thread