I'm excited to present my new little dragon scale plakat (I think) before he starts his life in his new home! He is so teensy compared to my current male betta (different tank don't worry!) Will post photos once I finish the tank (it's fully cycled, waiting for plant cuttings to fill out).

I like the fish. I think he looks lovely. If you don't mind me saying, please don't feel like you need to explain yourself so much. Everything in brackets is an explanation because you are obviously worried about some smarty pants saying this or that. It's sad that such insecure people prowl the web and have to voice their opinions like that where not asked and make the rest of us uncomfortable enough to feel the need to explain. I like the animal subreddits because I there's a sense of normalcy in it. Not always, I know but most of the time. Just chill and enjoy the hobby. I've been fish keeping for 24 years and like every fish keeper I too have a fair share of mistakes sadly but that's the hobby.

/r/bettafish Thread Link - i.redd.it