I'm so freaking embarrassed right now, I was turned away from getting my teeth checked out today because I'm too fat

I don’t get your example with the heroin addict and DUI situation, so I’m gonna answer honestly. I live in an area with a lot of crime, poverty, gangs, stuff like that. We had six very tragic DUI deaths last week, in two different collisions, and I didn’t joke because I didn’t wanna offend their families. But the general consensus here is they should get the death penalty, and I agree with that, but our state government is dumb and probably won’t allow it. Anyways, swap heroin for meth, and that’s my town. They do steal and rob people and stuff. In that instance, I think the county needs to build more jails so we can keep them off the streets. Some people do joke about them stealing from places though. You have to cope with living here somehow. But I’m confused how people’s lack of morals is relevant.

As for my situation with my parents, I live honestly to myself. I date whoever I want. I don’t tell my parents because even if I was straight, they would disapprove of me dating someone they didn’t pick for me to marry. My parents are weird and conservative and abusive. It’s complicated. That said, I am learning to be self-reliant by learning basic life skills and learning how to make good decisions. I can’t be fully self-reliant right now (as in, responsible for all my bills) because of my disability. My dad actually Once I have the skills necessary for a decent job, I can be, but that depends on getting my degree. Alternatively, I could get government disability, but that’s not really a great quality of life, you know? My dad actually does say I’m lazy lol but that’s just cuz he doesn’t believe in science, so he doesn’t understand neurological issues. If you called me lazy, I’d probably dismiss you in the same way, as someone who doesn’t understand the brain. (Also since we’re talking about me here, I’m just gonna add here that I’m not necessarily a feminist, but that’s the most convenient label to explain my views on women. I don’t get too involved with feminists. I also use queer as a way to describe my position in the LGBTQ+ community because idk the difference between bisexual and pansexual and don’t care enough to see which label fits me better)

Anyways. I don’t think people who are morbidly obese are lazy or unintelligent. I think there’s probably some reason they end up that way. It’s why I asked. But most addicts know they’re addicted, or they at least know they’re doing something wrong. An alcoholic might realize something is wrong if he goes to the bar every night and spends a ton of money on it, despite not wanting to. Food addicts might realize something is wrong when they keep eating and gaining weight despite not wanting to/despite their doctor telling them not to. People know when they’re deviating from societal norms. I’m a sugar addict, and I’ve known it since I was like 15 when I tried to quit excess sugar and failed. For me, sugar is what I imagine drugs to feel like. But I don’t make excuses for it, so all my blood tests came back normal. Maybe that’s why I think r/fatlogic is funny tbh. I see so much of myself in posts about sugary foods and it’s like, yeah, I’m being called out for my bad decisions and I deserve it lol.

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