"I'm fucked." - Donald J. Trump

Admission of guilt in any court right there. If you said "oh my god im fucked" when the police officer approached you - you would get arrested, but because we, the people of the United States of America, have deified the Presidency so much, we think that a person in that office is untouchable.

That line right there - would have anyone else in handcuffs, and awaiting a trial. But because "President" -- we can't do that. Shows how much we elevate and undervalue certain segments of the government.

Wondering if anyone realizes that the "Vice President" is there just in case the President is incapable of doing the job that they signed up for - in case of health issues, or legal issues - jail time for instance.

The Vice President should step in, and Trump should be led off in an orange jumper to match his bright orange skin, while they comb his hair properly to get a good mugshot pic - instead of with him wearing that disastrous comb-forward that he sports (seriously how do people not realize he's a cue-ball under there).

All of this is a ridiculous farce. When Clinton did something shady, we took him to task and made him leave, when Nixon did something criminal, we had him resign, and his VP stepped in.

Trump needs to GTFO because he's been proven - in this document - to be nothing more than a crooked con man.

Anyone thinking anything else is just delusional.

/r/The_Mueller Thread Link - i.redd.it